Sunday, March 18, 2018

The fading loss of

I am still letting go of, my long suffering website... a digital space in which I invested uncountable swirls of creation, and now surrender to digital absolution.

I will no longer host this personal internet play-land. No longer bleed days, weeks, and months researching, building, in a mental world of pointless pointing... the great vacuous potential.

I did love deeply the creative process, riding the wave of new technology and the pedagogical potential. And now I am forced to face the inevitable obsolesce of both my vision and skill. In our sixties 'letting go' is a twisted knot, a daily discipline of untangling.

Lov-e was an acronym for Learning Online Virtually Everything. A grand adventure creating web pages full of interconnecting links, on all and anything that caught my fancy. Caught in that dream, I produced countless pages. Interfacing with students, or self-absorbed in this seductive electronic mirror, I blitzed out for weeks on end. Time spent in that deep well gazing at my reflection... A deep dark delusion of relevance, lightly lifted by dancing fireflies, pixels of pleasure.